The process of obtaining a new mortgage can often be seen as scary and complicated. We endeavour to make this much more transparent with face-to-face expert advice, a straightforward fee structure and regular contact throughout the process.
We will examine your circumstances, listen to your requirements and search the market to find the most suitable products to enable you to fund your house purchase or re-mortgage. We are not tied to any lender and we provide impartial advice, giving you peace of mind and security that the product will be right for you.
Keeping a client informed from start to finish is one of our unique selling points, and something we take great pride in. Even when your mortgage has been approved and an offer received, we still ensure that we support you to the end of the process by liaising with both the lender, your Solicitor and the Estate Agent on your behalf until completion.
There may be times when we cannot directly help you for areas such as bridging finance or commercial lending, at which point we refer you to one of our chosen partners for specialist advice in both the commercial and residential markets. Our chosen firms have access to a wide range of loan providers, ranging from high street banks to small private investors.
Our initial meeting is free of charge, you will always know what you are paying for and only pay for the work done. Our transparent fee structure ensures this.
Grayling Mortgage Solutions is determined to help you obtain the most suitable mortgage product, in the simplest manner, with the most open communication and at the cheapest cost. We would love to hear from you - even if only to answer a mortgage question you may have.
Complete our online enquiry form and we will get back to you within twenty-four hours.
To enquire fill out this form
or call 01522 716985.